
The Pathways Project offers women intensive and personalised support to address multiple challenges they are facing, often caused by poverty and disadvantage or as a consequence of it. These challenges include: mental health issues, isolation, worklessness, problem debt, unhealthy lifestyles, lack of skills or formal qualifications, family instability and low self-esteem.

The project seek sto resolve underlying issues presenting as barriers to their progression by supporting women in developing the confidence and resilience to deal with challenges they are experiencing.

Each woman is allocated a key worker, who jointly assess their needs and develops actions plants. Support is focused on the project’s five key themes:

  • Health and well-being
  • Financial inclusion
  • Fuel poverty
  • Self-help and peer support
  •  Skills for life and employment

The project offers group-work and one-to-one support and liaises with other relevant services based at the Foundation, such as the Fuel Poverty Project and Money Management Service.

What people are saying

"I enjoyed my experience on NCS because I was challenged by myself and others around me. I had a lot of inspiration to carry on and do better. I mixed with people from different backgrounds."

"Without Salford Foundation's support I'd be homeless. You've changed my life and I would never be able to continue my studies without your help."

"Coming here has changed my life around for the better. It has helped me stop offending by looking at why I did it in the first place and helping get things sorted out."

"I am now much more confident in my schoolwork and I listen more and my organisational skills are getting better each day."

"You would not believe the difference coming to Salford Foundation has made. I was sitting in my house, not speaking to anyone for days. My life has changed for the better. I have a life again."

"I can now start living my life again and not be afraid to open my front door. Thank you so much."

"Thank you so much for going above and beyond for my child. Your help and support has helped make such a difference in her life in such a small amount of time. I am truly grateful."

If you would like to find more about how you can get involved in our Together Women Project, please get in touch.

Maggie Langhorn

Operations Manager, Adult Services


Get involved

If you want to get involved and make a difference, get in touch with us to discuss how you can help.