
The Steps project will work with young boys around the topic of masculinity to educate them about harmful attitudes & behaviours and how to take positive action.

The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit have agreed to invest £250k for the development and delivery of a new programme. The Gender Based Violence Education Initiative aims to reduce misogynistic attitudes and behaviours from manifesting in primary and secondary settings; improve gender-equality in the pupil population and put young boys at the front and centre of a coordinated solution. Following a competitive tender process facilitated by the GM Combined Authority, Salford Foundation has been awarded the contract to deliver the new programme and complement the Gender-Based Violence Strategy.

The project will implement an education approach which will bring groups of young boys together from a range of  ages covering year 5,6,7 & 8 they will be consulted and informed on the topic of masculinity and form insights into how they can contribute to a coordinated local solution to gender- inequality and misogyny. We will expand on tested approaches with young boys by adopting a strength-based approach and deliver appropriate sessions linked to GBV topics for whole year-group cohorts.

They will take part in a 6 week programme where they will be educated on the topic of ‘masculinity’ covering:

  • Gender Stereotypes
  • Healthy relationships
  • Boundaries and peer -moderation

During the 6 week programme they will also implement a peer to peer education social action project to share the knowledge they have gained.

Schools have been specially selected across 3 boroughs as specified by our funders. The schools are:

  • Manchester Enterprise Academy
  • Briscoe Lane Academy
  • Waterloo Primary School
  • Mesne Lea Primary School
  • Piper Hill High School
  • Audenshaw School

What people are saying

'I enjoyed how I had Freedom of speech'

'I learnt why its important to be a good man'

'I enjoyed taking part in different activities'

'I learnt that it is important to have a healthy relationship'

'We got to share our thoughts and work with our friends'

'I learnt what positive masculinity means'

If you're interested in being part of this project, or interested in finding out more then please get in touch

Jack McGeehan or Carolina Hinojosa

Social Action Coordinator

Our fantastic partners

Greater Manchester Combined Authority